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The Blandy Group grants scholarships to UMa students.

Students with financial difficulties and with high academic performance who join the University of Madeira (UMa), can benefit from an academic scholarship granted by the Blandy Group, beginning this academic year of 2014/2015.
The protocol was signed on the 5th of September 2014 between the Blandy Group and UMa. Among other issues it was defined that the value of the scholarships to be granted will be equivalent to one year's tuition fees at UMa and access to the Scholarship shall be based on the acceptance grades to the University (150 and above).

The scholarships granted to the students this first year will given to the same students for the two following years, through annual application and whilst the current financial crisis continues. Students granted the scholarship must maintain a high academic performance throughout their degrees courses equal to the requirements requested for Scholarships granted by the Ministry of Education.

Applications began on the 8th of September, the regulations can be viewed on this site (download to view) and on the UMa Acção Social site (

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